3 tips to keep artificial grass in top condition during hot summer days

Avalon as a service, that's our promise to you. That's why we are here for you with tips & tricks! We can well imagine that you get a lot of questions about how to maintain artificial grass during the summer. But how exactly should this be done? Because summer is in full swing and that means that laid artificial grass may have to deal with extreme heat, after all, summers in the Netherlands are getting hotter. As an artificial grass manufacturer of high-quality artificial grass, we are happy to share three valuable tips to ensure your customers can enjoy artificial grass that continues to look great and last a long time.

1. Cool artificial grass with shade

During the summer months, temperatures can rise considerably and this also applies to artificial grass. Although our artificial grass is naturally resistant to heat, it also likes shade. By creating shade, the artificial grass can cool down. This can already be easily done by using a shade cloth or a parasol. It is also wise to advise your customers to regularly spray the artificial grass with water. This is because the cooling water helps to lower the temperature, especially when the artificial grass is sand-filled. Combined with a thick layer of sand, the artificial grass can absorb more water, so the water is stored, which provides additional cooling.

2. Avoid having a barbecue on artificial grass

We understand that it can sometimes be tempting to barbecue on artificial grass, but strongly advise your customers against it! Although our artificial grass is of the best quality, it cannot withstand fire and smouldering coals. This is because the barbecue can cause burn marks in the artificial grass. In addition, the released cooking fat can fall onto the artificial grass and this is not conducive to its lifespan.

3. Keep artificial grass free of pet droppings

Our furry pet friends often love to play and lie on artificial grass. Sometimes, they may defecate on the artificial grass. Always advise your customers to remove this faeces immediately and rinse the artificial grass clean, especially during hot summer days. This is because faeces can dry up, cause unpleasant odours and leave stains.

Unique artificial grass for pets

For pet owners, we have specially developed Avalon Petgrass, a unique knitted artificial grass product. Avalon Grass is the only European manufacturer producing this type of artificial grass and Avalon Petgrass is therefore exclusively available from us.
We have taken into account the properties required for safe and sustainable use by animals when developing this special artificial grass. For example, Avalon Petgrass has very good moisture permeability and is very strong. In addition, the choice of yarn has taken into account water-repellency, so no unwanted odours remain. Avalon Petgrass is only available through Avalon Grass. In this way, you can offer your customers a unique and innovative knitted artificial grass product for pets.

More information about Avalon Petgrass? Read more here!

Although artificial grass is generally low-maintenance, proper maintenance and handling of our high-quality artificial grass can extend its lifespan. If you want to offer the best service and expertise to your customers in addition to the best artificial grass, it is important to make them aware of these useful tips. By informing your customers about the optimal care of artificial grass, you can ensure that they can enjoy a beautiful and durable lawn for a long time.
After all, it's not just about delivering high-quality artificial grass, but also about sharing valuable advice.

Do you have a particular question on a specific topic? Our team is ready to answer all your questions. That's Avalon as a service!

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